PathWayToLight welcomes you to focus on Christ our Light through the many resources our website provides for God's glory.
"Hi. Welcome to our website. We are grateful that you are here. We seek to make available free resources in the form of articles and audio that are in line with God's most Holy Word. We especially seek to reach out to Africa's peoples who view Christianity as a white man's religion and an invasion of our own established religions. Because of this, we seek to point people to the one true God who is revealed to all men (Romans 1:19). Furthermore, we believe that just as is clearly stated in Hebrews 1:2 that the Lord has spoken in these last days by His Son, and we seek to point all to the Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the true Light. By no means do we mean that we in and of ourselves are the pathway to Light, but that we too bear witness to the true Light just as John was a witness to the true Light (John 1:8). In Matthew 5:14, we are told that we (the true Church of God), which every person who has received and believed in Christ is part of, are the Light of the world. But not that we should lay claim to being the source of Light, but that through the Light of Christ which shines through us, we would attract all nations to God just as He most graciously promised that His Light would shine through His chosen nation Israel (Isaiah 60:1-3). Additionally, we proclaim and declare the Reformed faith, that above all else has its grounding in Scripture, to which we also affirm is Christ-centered and in no way man- centered. Therefore, we declare the affirmations of the Reformed faith that Salvation is by Grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ Alone, as manifested in the Scripture alone to the glory of God alone. So now we ask God in utmost humility that He would use us to lead people to the true Light, which is Christ our Lord. Amen"
"Again Jesus spoke to them, saying,"I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the Light of life." John 8:12 .
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