About Us

Why Pathway to Light?

That we are surrounded by a world immersed in evil and people showing outright rebellion against God is a reality. This evil and rebellion are what Scripture refers to as the darkness in our hearts. Contrary to the common belief that man is inherently good and that sin is but a blemish on his character, the word of God teaches otherwise. The darkness in our hearts is not only a blemish to our character, but it penetrates deep to the core (Genesis 6:5; Genesis 8:21; Psalm 51:5; Mark 7:21-23; Rom 3:10-12, 23). To add to this, we are told that we are dead in our trespasses (Ephesians 2:1) and that sin has held us captive (Romans 7:23). With this realization, there seems to be no hope for humanity regarding their own ability to save themselves from the evil within them and towards a renewed spiritual life unless another saves them. In John 1:4-5, it is clear Christ is the source of all life, and undeniably so here in these verses that He is the source of spiritual life. He is the Light that guides men to true saving Grace, that is, the renewed life which is in Him. This Light is not our own but has its source from Christ, and not only is He the source, but He is the one who lights the darkened heart. This Light motif is carried forth in the words of Christ in John 8:12, which offers the truest hope for humanity. This Light, which is Christ, is essential to all physical and spiritual life, for Christ, we are told holds all things together (Colossians 1:17). Therefore, no existence, logic, reason, or purpose would be apart from Christ. Thus, Christ is the only hope for humanity, not human powers, philosophies, or abilities, and this is central to our message. We echo John's words that we are not the Light (John 1:8); we seek to be a witness about the true Light. That's why we use the phrase "PathWayToLight." With the earnestness of prayer, we ask that our most gracious God may use the works in this website for His glory and for the benefit of the hearts of men that there may be a true renewal of life.


The primary mission of Pathway to Light is to reach out to all people especially Africa’s people with Biblical truth in the hope of pointing them to the Light who is Jesus Christ. We endeavor to preach and proclaim the true gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ through online media, traditional media, and physical engagements. The chief aim is that through the presentation of the Gospel as a sufficient tool for all of life, that people’s choices in life are not influenced by the evil that surrounds them but with the truth of the gospel. Therefore, our prayer is that people are equipped with God’s word, and by God’s grace Pathway to Light will do it with complete patience and the sound teaching of doctrine for the glory of God alone.


Our vision is to equip people who belong to the true Church of Christ with Scripture and to have them trained up in righteousness. That we will use the Scripture that makes one wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ as expresses in 2 Timothy 3:15 to teach, reproof, and correct. We also aim at building a team of faithful servants of God who will reach out to people through media by way of publishing resources, evangelizing, training, and engagements through open forums all for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Commitment Statements

We bear a great burden on the task involved in preaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Like Timothy, we heed Paul's instruction to correctly handle the word of truth, knowing that false teaching is an assault on our readers' and listeners' faith, which can only lead to their ruin (2 Timothy 14:15). Therefore, we commit by submission to God's counsel through His infallible and inerrant Word to teach sound doctrine.

We are alive to the fact that young people around the world are no longer accepting all propositions presented to them without having to question them. That the new adage is that we are to “question all things, but not to judge anything, and to pursue that which makes you happy” because we believe that is true human freedom. Many are being taught that truth is divisive and gives rise to a lot of intolerance such that, other than defend truth we should seek tolerance and peace with those whom we differ. Therefore, the common belief is that there are many acceptable truths and that none should judge what the other believes as we embrace plurality and liberalism. Without a doubt, the young generation seems to be a rich ground to instill many of these false ideologies, and more than ever, the young people are in disarray. Africa is no exception for we have a generation of young people who are seeking to completely separate themselves from what they term a foreign religion. Because of this, many have gone back to their African traditional religions, embraced many false religions, or worse have become irreligious. Many who have embraced the Christian religion have largely been enticed to new age movements from the west, which promise a new form of advanced Christianity that seeks to move away from the fundamental Scriptural doctrines as taught by the historic orthodox Apostolic Church. The traditional Apostolic Faith is seen as old and unappealing to the modern mind. Further, many have embraced syncretism by fusing Christianity and African traditional beliefs. This is enough impetus for us to proclaim the true Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the youth around the world and especially here in the African continent. Unfortunately, many of the youth are embracing practices and norms that lead them into a destructive lifestyle, which ends up with a devastating emptiness because they are disappointed at life for not fulfilling their deepest desires. In light of this, what is needed is sound instruction in God’s most holy Word and the learning of truth that would lead to a purposeful life. However, truth is rare in such a world and that’s why in recognition of this fact, we submit to the truth of God’s Word because we believe that it is the only truth that is liberating from an empty and purposeless life. What young people need is to pursue godly living and seek the knowledge of the truth as presented in Jesus Christ our Lord. Young people desperately need to hear the Gospel as they struggle through the intricacies of their formative years. With this in mind, we submit to the authority and instruction of the Bible as the living word of God to a man that is sufficient for all godly living. We are guided by our cornerstone verse in Scripture in John 8:12 “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” PathwayToLight in its commitment to teaching godly living for the youth is committed to teaching Scripture by correctly handling the word of truth. We desire to see the youth pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart. Our deep-hearted prayer is that young people are awakened to spiritual life by hearing God’s Word that they may be freed from the snares of sin and the influences of the evil one.
Without contention there are many Africans who have to battle the dilemma of choosing either the Christian religion or their African traditional religion. The Christian religion has been termed as a white man's religion (the colonialist's religion), which was forced on us against our will or that it was taught to the African so that they would remain brainwashed to the benefit of the colonialists. One of the most common phrases is that "the missionaries came to Africa with the Bible in one hand and the gun in the other."" It seems to be communicated that the missionary was the first bearer of the gospel in Africa and was an agent of the Imperial forces who veiled their main intent of oppressing the African by peddling a religion whose main purpose was to repress the African people's conscience and way of life. Thus, because of the ignorance of Scripture’s true origins and its arrival in Africa coupled with violations carried out on the African people by the colonial powers, scars remain, and doubts on the Christian religion assail. We understand that this is a very emotional subject and that it is a fact that many Africans suffered under the hands of the colonial masters. Thus, many fundamental traditionalists still advocate that we remain true to our African traditional religious roots. Additionally, some are not traditionalists but consider themselves Christian though there is an internal struggle on where to fall, especially with the renewed resurgence of the fight for the domination of African traditional religion. The proponents are vigorously propagating the idea of a black man having had a superior religion and that innately he/she is a god. This idea is increasing its appeal, especially among the millennials as they navigate the tempestuous winds of injustice against the people of colour. Finally, the Christians have been bombarded with the Pentecostal movement's false doctrines from popular televangelists who dominate the airwaves. Many have fast embraced the new age doctrines, joined the zealous charismatic movement who claim a superior spirituality, or are exercising the word of faith doctrines, all of which are hewn from a false gospel. The Christian who is not grounded well in Scripture is easily swayed, perhaps due to being a cultural Christian/nominal Christian, meaning that they are Christians because they were raised in a Christian home but did not understand the Christian faith's dogmas. We bear all this in mind, and so in our exposition and defence of the Christian faith, we aim to do it with gentleness and respect as required of us (1 Peter 3:15). Therefore, our purpose is to preach the true gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified, the message which is the only true hallmark of saving faith. We do not seek to combat the traditionally long-held beliefs or the charismatic movements with the superiority of human speech or wisdom but seek to preach the gospel of Christ because true religion is God-centered, not man-centered. That apart from Him, there's no other way to God (John 14:6). Regarding the traditionalists' views, that the Christian religion is a white man's religion; we have to learn to differentiate between the bearer of the message and the message itself because Scripture is God's word, it is never the formulation of man, albeit difficult. We also have to be aware of the many false prophets that preach an enticing gospel that seeks to suit people's evil passions. Even in times past, as elaborated in the Scriptures, men have perverted God's word and peddled the gospel of Christ for their selfish ambitions (Jeremiah 23:36; Philippians 1:17). Additionally, many false teachers have arisen as was in the first-century Church (Matthew 7:15; 2 Corinthians 11:1-15; 1 Timothy 4:3-4; 2 Timothy 3:5-13, 4:3-4; 2Peter 2:1; 1 John 4:1-6; Jude 1:4). Thus, we have to be aware that many have misled God's people and sought to oppress them by misinterpreting the very same Scriptures which are supposed to bring people to the true knowledge of God, even the preacher confirms that there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Thus, knowing the present danger that surrounds the people of God in Africa, we seek to exposit the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by remaining true to the Scriptures and to the orthodox, historic Christian apostolic faith, which is the only way to determine the truthfulness of any supposed Christian view. We hold that the African traditional belief systems are openly undermining the authority, reliability, and trustworthiness of Scripture. Also, being aware that the same Scriptures which we uphold have been subject to misinterpretation and have been used for selfish gains by many of the human agents who have falsely posed as Christian teachers, missionaries or occupying ministerial offices in the Church, we seek by the Grace of God to preach the word of God declaring Christ as the one who fills the whole sum of the Scriptures, and Him crucified on the cross for the pardon of our sin. That Christ is both the subject and object of Scripture, for all live and move and have their being in Christ. Our Christian faith is totally dependent on the character of GOD.

Statement of Faith

The statements below speak the heart of our convictions as it concerns our faith:

We believe and teach that the Holy Scriptures which constitute the entire sixty-six books of the Bible are sufficient, infallible, and inerrant as the original manuscripts were inspired equally in all parts by the Holy Spirit. We believe that the Bible is divinely revealed and is the authoritative word of God to which we are all called to faithfully submit.
We believe and teach that there is only one living and true God whose being is spirit. We affirm that He is eternal, infinite, all-knowing, unchangeable in His being, and is perfect in all His attributes. We also believe that He exists eternally in three distinct yet fully divine persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The three persons are the same in substance, true, and eternally God in oneness, all equally deserving of worship and obedience as they are equal in power and glory.
We believe and teach that Jesus Christ who is the second person of the Trinity, is truly God and truly man in indivisible oneness. We teach that in the incarnation, Jesus accepted humanness becoming the God-man having been born of the Virgin Mary. In the incarnation, He revealed God to men, acted as their redeemer, and was established as the ruler over God’s kingdom. He lived a sinless life, was crucified, dead, and buried, and on the third day he was raised to life, He ascended into heaven, and will come again in glory and judgment. We teach that at the cross where He shed His blood and offered Himself sacrificially, He accomplished our redemption by acting as our mediator between man and God.
We believe and teach that the Holy Spirit is one in substance with the Father and the Son equal in all perfect attributes expressed both in personality and deity. We recognize His sovereign work in creation, the incarnation, the divine inspiration and revelation of scripture, and the work of salvation. We teach His indwelling in the hearts of men that causes regeneration securing our salvation in Jesus Christ. Further, that He performs sanctification, instruction, and empowerment of the believer in the workmanship of God’s vineyard.
We teach and believe that all created things both in the heavens and the earth, in their entire beauty and splendor were brought forth by God’s power through His word. God’s work did not stop in creation because He sustains and preserves all things, further governing all His creatures and all their actions through His gracious providence.
We teach and believe that after God created the heavens and the earth, and the other creatures, He proceeded to create man, both male, and female, in His image and likeness. When God created man, he was created sinless and His moral responsibility was to God. God’s intention was that man should glorify God and enjoy His fellowship but Adam who was the first man sinned and woefully fell in his responsibility. Because of this, all men became corrupted by Adam’s sin for all men were in Adam except Jesus Christ. Man in his fall lost his innocence and incurred the penalty of both physical and spiritual death and by that became deserving of God’s wrath. The man was corrupted, and he morally became incapable of choosing what was acceptable to God, and apart from God’s divine grace, the man forever is estranged to Him. Man has no power whatsoever to recover himself and is hopelessly lost. Therefore, we affirm that salvation is entirely God’s work as an act of His grace through the redemptive work of our Lord Jesus Christ.

"Again Jesus spoke to them, saying,"I am the Light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the Light of life." John 8:12 .

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